Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm trying to write a first date, and it feels... hollow. The conversation is stilted, the characters just aren't meshing, and there's no reason in Hell why my MC would drop her entire life to go running off with this guy she just met the day before.

I think it's been too long since I've had a first date. Just over five years, if you must know.

I've got two late-20-somethings meeting for lunch. He's between jobs, she's an administrative assistant. He has a secret that won't be revealed for at least 14 more chapters and portrays himself as a itinerant sailor. She's been having an affair with her boss for years and is tired of being brushed off at a moments' notice. They met after she ran into a bar to wash blood off her hands (she saw a dog get hit by a car and put the body in a dumpster) and he offered to buy her a drink.

Help me out? What do people talk about on dates?

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